The Bluetick Coon Hound is an American dog breed which dates back to the colonial days. This hound will hunt! Blueticks have a friendly and loyal disposition making them great companions. The Bluetick Blueberry Hound is just as friendly providing sweet cooling relief from the dog days of summer. INGREDIENTS 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup water 2 cups blueberries ice …
Cherry Hound
So simple. So delicious! The ‘cherry cola‘ perfected. Release the hounds! INGREDIENTS 1 1/2 oz Two Bitch™ Bourbon 1/2 oz grenadine 4 0z cola 2 maraschino cherries ice DIRECTIONS In a rocks glass add bourbon, grenadine and cola over ice. Stir and garnish with 2 maraschino cherries.
Mojave Sunrise
Mimosa, bye. The Mojave Sunrise is the new ‘brunch cocktail’! INGREDIENTS • 2 oz Two Bitch™ Bourbon • 2 oz fresh squeezed orange juice • 2 dashes of bitters • 1 oz simple syrup • orange peel or slice to garnish • ice DIRECTIONS 1. In a shaker combine orange juice, bourbon, simple syrup and bitters with ice. 2. Shake …
Diamond Peak
Did you know that Nevada means “snow capped” in Spanish? Yes indeed, Nevada is full of snow capped mountains. Eureka sits among the Diamond Mountains featuring Diamond Peak standing proud at 10,361 ft! How could we not be inspired by this mountain to create a cold creamy bourbon treat topped with creamy peaks?! INGREDIENTS 2 oz Two Bitch™ Bourbon 8 …
Strawberry Cougar
The mountain lion, also known as a cougar is Nevada’s largest cat. This elusive and mysterious animal can be found all across Nevada and can grow to be over 200lbs and 8 feet long! If you’re walking along Strawberry Road near Eureka and see a cougar do not try to approach it. “Nice kitty.” Instead, stick to the safer sweeter …
Gold Miner’s Tea
Two Bitch™ Bourbon is based out of Eureka, Nevada – an active mining town with roots dating to 1864. Today, Eureka is one of the best preserved mining camps having produced well over 2 million ounces of gold! INGREDIENTS 1 1/2 oz Two Bitch™ Bourbon 1 oz lemon juice 2 oz honey syrup* 6 oz unsweetened iced tea lemon slice …